Community Conversation series:

Bridging the Political/Ideological Divide

Are you tired of the political / ideological barriers that separate our community today? Would you like to build bridges between differing factions instead of contributing to the gridlock and animosity?

If so, please join us for a three-part series,
Bridging the Political/Ideological Divide”!

This is not your dreaded family holiday (gathering?) discussion! Through honest and civil conversations, we hope to work together to bring the Fox Cuties community together. Our intent with this series is not to shout each other down or to sell our viewpoints, but to have open, interesting, engaging, and enlightening discussions with each other in a way that fosters respect and understanding. This series does not seek to change anyone’s viewpoint but will show that we can learn from each other and build relationships despite our different beliefs.



This three-session discussion series, of two hours each, will:

**We ask you to commit to the three sessions, daytime or evening, in order to gradually build relationships and trust in your group. We seek to have groups with differing viewpoints, so please encourage your friends, neighbors, members of diverse organizations, government and political representatives to sign up as well.

Community Partner: New North, Inc.